Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Back to the blog

Hello, everyone!

I hope  you all had a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Boxing Day.

I had so much fun with Christmas this year!  I did all the things I always mean to do, like baking and coming up with special wrappings for gifts instead of throwing them in last year's gift bags.  I don't have any pictures of my baking, but here are some of the packages I wrapped (I was inspired this year by Julie Andrews to do these:

Brown paper packages tied up with... er, well, yarn.  
I didn't have any string handy.

I made brown paper curlicues and candy cane hearts and felt awfully crafty!

And used my carry-everything basket to transport them.  
I paid a non-thrift price (a rare occurrence for me) on this basket at a 
street festival I accidentally attended in Springfield, Il over the summer.  
At the time I wasn't even sure why I needed it, but now 
I'm not sure how I ever lived without it.
  I use it at least once a week, and it's sturdy and well-made and pretty, too!

And Santa was very gracious to me this year, too!  I got to spend time with so many people I love, I got a really nice hanging rack for my ever-growing vintage clothing collection, and not one, but two yellow elephants!  It's possible you might not all know about me and yellow elephants.  If so, let me just explain that I collect them.  Because it's fun to say yellow elephant.  Go ahead!  I dare you, say "yellow elephant" a few times, especially if you say it fast - I dare you not to get a smile out of it.  It's a little-known fact.  

I haven't brought everything in from the car yet, so instead of the ones I actually received for Christmas, here are shots of some of the yellow elephants in my collection:

1940s planter and plaster child's-room plaque

Plastic watering can - 1950s?

A trio of planters.  I think the middle one was created for a 
Republican National Convention or something, but in spite of it's political origins, 
it gets along fine with the others, so I love it anyway ;)

Tiny ones!  Erasers.

A bank. another bank that started life as a cookie tin, and a glass paperweight.

I actually have a few others - a couple of not-very-attractive stuffed ones, and some that are in need of repair.  I was discussing the yellow elephant thing with a friend the other day who had, apparently, tried to explain to someone else about my collection with little success.  It is my contention that the more yellow elephants I have around, the more excuses I have to say "yellow elephant", and the more free smiles I get!  Simple enough, right?

1 comment:

  1. yellow elephants galore!
    I love wrapping wih brown paper. Since I have kids, I also have an abundance of stickers. So the kids like to decorate wrapped packages with occasion appropriate stickers. Its all fun.
