Spent some time at booth 78 at Kenrick Antique Mall today. I was pleasantly surprised upon walking in the door to see the little bookshelf I thrifted this summer on the way back from taking a friend on a college visit to Iowa sitting by the register, getting ready to move on to it's new home. Here it was fully laden during it's time in the booth, although you can't really fully see its niftitude in this picture.:
Nice little wooden shelf, purchased in Qunicy, IL, has found a new home in the 'Lou! |
I also noticed a small white hard-sided suitcase had sold, and the green-background crewelwork piece that I thought once before had been purchased has gone MIA again. Hopefully this time it actually did find a new home, rather than just going on walkabout somewhere else in the store.
But with the small-but-still-big-for-an-8x8-space bookshelf gone, I needed somewhere to put all those books and whatnot. Perfect timing, as the purchase I made at an estate sale the weekend before this past one was just waiting in the wings for a space to call its own:
The table top, in the back of hank. |
I liked the blue and white enamel top immediately, and the legs are all chippy old white paint with slight traces of blue trim left in spots. Obviously it's not in perfect condition - there's some rust, and I only ever got around to wiping the top down with some basic cleaner, so I'm not sure if those rings will come out or not with something a little beefier, but I learned the main issue when I went to put the legs on. It seems to have been somewhat home-made, or perhaps re-purposed at some point. The legs each have a two-ended bolt in them that goes through a drilled hole in the wood under the enamel top, and then you toss a wing nut on the bolt and tighten it down. The problem is, one of the bolts has been somewhat damaged at the tip so that I personally couldn't get the wing nut started on the threads. I'm not sure if the problem is just me and my weak girl-fingers - someone else may be able to get it on there, but in the mean time, I've taped the nut to the side of the table, and it still stands fine even with one leg not tightened down. Here it is in it's new spot in the booth, already piled up with all the books from the little shelf:
Not bad for a mildly gimpy table! You can kind of see the wing-nuts on the sides there, as well as the hint of old blue trim toward the tops of the legs. |
How insanely awesome is that LeeWards craft book cover with the owl? And I can't even tell you what a kick I get out of the insane 70s fashions in that "Sewing for Men and Boys" book.
Anyway, I added a few other bits of thrifted vintage to the booth as well:
An adorable little mushroom-house bank. |
Love the cool wood-grain back and edging on this Treasure Craft drip-glazed serving dish. |
Cute small un-Blendo pitcher with gold starbursts. |
Two gorgeous small afghans. |

I love the above. Both are very small. The blue and yellow one is round, and made of all these little pie-shaped bits. The purple/blue/white one is amazingly bright and graphic, but quite lopsided in execution. Both are small. Not really more than lap-sized, but I love them! Close-ups of each to the side and below (click if you want to see them big).
By the way, I was planning on ending the 50% off sale on vintage clothing and accessories on August 31st, but I've decided to leave it through Labor Day weekend, so if you're in the market for a vintage hat, purse, scarf, shirt, skirt, dress, or shoes, you've got through next Monday to get them for half price!
And as a reminder, 2ndhand Moon is on Facebook. Like us and you'll be the first to know about the next big sale!
Anyway, I hope everyone's having lots of thrifting luck here lately! To see some of the treasures found by people who definitely are, check out these link-ups I'm joining in on this week:
Coastal Charm's Nifty Thrifty Tuesday and
Apron Thrift Girl's Thrift Share Monday
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